[campaign id=”4269b663d2”]Here at Kismetation Wellness Institute we support you to thrive and we provide a space where people can drop in and recalibrate and re-shift out of survival into thriving.One way of getting stuck is by only allowing positivity, overriding so to speak anything that is other then, happy or positive etc.. This is very invalidating for yourself. I call it “Spiritual Bypass”.When you find yourself only on the other equation swimming in a pool of stress, anger or frustration, etc. lets call it crud, you also kind of stuck.It is very easy to confuse these vibrations, energies as your own.Happiness is an energy stasis that can exist no matter what state you are in. When you find yourself in an endless stream of frustration or sadness, etc. trying to override it by happy thoughts “Spiritual Bypass” – there is nothing wrong with you its just you got stuck. So how do you get unstuck ?
You Recalibrate !!
Here at Kismetation we have a certain way of doing that by grounding and releasing the energy that is holding you hostage = keeping you stuck. When your energy can freely flow and you are in affinity with yourself you instantaneously feel like yourself again and gain wisdom and insides, your own information so to speak.
From my perspective having your own answers is extremely empowering.From there you can go Play your life and have fun and enjoy every step of the way. Yes I said play. You can play the game of suffering or thriving which one would you like to play ?When we are stuck we seem not to be able to see any choices or answers or solutions. Hence recalibration. When you recognize that the energy that you are swimming in is not yours but rather the stuckness, it becomes very easy to shift out of that and step into thriving. And choices appear and solutions and answers.
I love this example of housecleaning if you do a deep room cleaning like moving furniture etc. and finding all kind’s of dirt and muck behind counters and in drawers etc. First it might seem horrendous. Then you start cleaning and before you know it the rooms is clean and feels fresh and amazing. You might experience all kind of wonderful things like new ideas, creativity flowing, being relaxed, feeling motivated or just tiered and get a good rest, joy etc.This is what grounding is like letting go off old stuff. And then filling up with your own energy.
I remember when I experienced this very clearly. I was out with friends Sailing and the whole group was miserable cause it was raining. I was happy and excited and joyful. After a few hours on the ocean when we reached our first destination I felt sad, melancholic, and my thoughts where maybe I made a mistake going on this trip. I had confused the energy around me to be my own and almost got stuck with it. I retrieved into my cabin and started to ground and I noticed that I released a lot of energy that was not mine. I had taken on everybody else energy. After releasing the energy that was not mine I could continuou to have fun and have separation from the surrounding energy’s and enjoy my trip.
Interested in Recalibrating ?
If you have any questions or need answers lets talk
Kismetation Wellness Institute