I am getting asked a lot about how do you stay positive ? How can you always be happy and not let negativity influence you ?
First off let’s look at the labeling positive and negative, we need both. Yes we do. First off our wonderful planet is a planet of duality so both sides of the coin are there they exist no matter how hard you try to fight it. And here we are with the fighting … when you are trying (which is a lot of effort and the energy of effort is an exhausting one) to be positive you are bypassing what is real. For example you are going about your day and starting to feel lets say frustrated, here comes the positivity train no no just think positive thoughts and the frustration will go away. In actuality it is not. The energy of frustration is now getting shoved somewhere in your physical body to work its havoc magic. I call this Spiritual Bypass, not allowing to let whatever is there to be there and being ok with it. If you feel frustrated its ok (by the way you can be happy and frustrated at the same time but thats a whole topic for another day) just be frustrated instead of desperately trying (here is the effort exhausting energy again) to change it. All emotions are great. Imagine if there would be no anger you would be hard pressed to get motivated to make changes in order for example not to be a doormat. Emotions are the language of the Body – yes your body is talking to you with the emotions that are arising. So you can also think of it as if you only allow positivity (and who decides what’s positive ??) to listen to and be there – imagine for a moment that you are talking to somebody and you express your frustration and they say well you know be positive don’t get negative, good vibes only – well I don’t think this would feel great to you or understood. Awareness and Acknowledgment are the first steps to get insight. You can only take steps from where you are at. If you are trying to be positive all the time and you are not feeling it – how can you take care of yourself ? You can’t. You are spiritually and physically bypassing what is really going on with you and therefore forsaking yourself and this very action puts you into survival mode where you now find yourself in a cycle of up and down instead of a flow. It is natural for us to feel an ebb and a flow it is the beauty of our existence to have a rise and a fall. Like the sun comes up in the morning to go down in the evening and the moon rises to fall. Allowing yourself to be where you are at is validating in itself and therefore can actually bring you calm and peace. Instead of fighting where you are at. Allow yourself to be. Till soon enjoy where you are at and if in doubt yes you can enjoy not enjoying.