This is a Metaphysical Bodywork session, and it’s available in the follow times:

• 1/2 Hour

• 1 Hour

• 1-1/2 Hour

• 2 Hour Combination Sessions

Taking care of yourself physically, as well as spiritually and mentally, is as important as breathing. Your nervous system is alive! So when you constantly run on stress, the adrenaline that keeps you going-going-going will lay down in the physical form, get stuck and develop literal knots in your body, limiting your movement. In other words, energy can’t freely flow, totally restricting the possibilities in your life!

There are many ways of addressing the Healing process. Fully healing always involves an energetic component and a mind component. But in these sessions, we focus on the physical approach to healing. There is touch involved, using Ayurvedic formulated oils, essential oils, as well as numerous other tools, like hot and cold stones, cupping etc.

All of that said, if you have a physical ailment, you don’t always have to go this route.
You and Kismet can discuss the service that might work best for you.

To schedule an appointment just call 310.383.7670 or email